Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Think Hogs Aren't a Problem for You? Think Again!

Even if you don't own land or engage in farming and therefore think the hogs aren't an issue to you, you're completely wrong. Yes, hogs pose many serious threats to ecosystems, crops, land, and livestock, but they also pose a serious threat to the lives of humans. The massive, beastly hogs pictured above were all found and killed right here in Texas, and even more disturbing, they were found right outside of communities and along the borders of human society. These hunters were very lucky to have taken them down without being seriously injured or killed. Even smaller sized hogs can weigh from up to 300-400 lbs, and can charge at up to 15 mph. Not many people will even be able to outrun a hog, and even if you can temporarily get away you won't be able to mainting full sprinting speeds for long. As these hogs continue to overpopulate and invade human society, thousands of people are being hurt or killed by them, and these numbers grow exponentially every day. Also, the simple presence of the hogs is a threat to human life because they can carry diseases which, if passed on to a human, will make quick work of them. Something must promptley be done about the hog invasion, or else there may be drastic consequences.

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